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Tender - General Conditions and Form of Tender
Quotations superscribed as 5KVA UPS wiring for Computer Lab, Dept of Environmental Studies
Quotations invited for wiring for 3KVA UPS in MBA centre at Nileswaram Campus
Quotation for the "supply and installation of sanitary napkin incinerator (1 No) for the ladies hostel at Dharmasala Campus
RE TENDER - For the supply and installation of video conference solution at interview section at Thavakkara Campus.
Supply and Installation of Water Dispenser -KUTEC -Mananthavady
Quotations are invited dealers for the supply of Hydrothermal System (autoclave) for Department of Chemistry, School of Chemical Science. Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyannur, Kerala under SEED Money Research Grant.
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur,Kerala-Double door Refrigerator
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur,Kerala-Wireless All in one Colour laser printer
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur,Kerala-Desktop computer
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur,Kerala-Double distillation water unit
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur,Kerala-Sonicator and UV - Fluorescence inspection cabinet
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur,Kerala- Digital magnetic stirrer with hot plate and Centrifuge
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur, Kerala - Fume Hood
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers to supply the item for the Central Instrumentation and Research Laboratory (CIRL), Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyanur, Kerala - Electronic Balance
Balance interlock paving works around synthetic track including balance path way to Boys hostel and pathway to warm up track at Mangattuparamba Campus
M.Sc. Computational Lab - 5KVA UPS Wiring works
Quatation_Hot Air Oven with Thermostat with digital temp controller cum indicator (micro processor based)
Quotation for the "supply and installation of sanitary napkin incinerator (1- No) for the ladies hostel - Date extended
Sealed tenders with superscription “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 KVA UPS” are invited
Quotation invited for Hot Air Oven with Thermostat
Quotations are invited for 5KVA UPS wiring works at MSC Computational Biology Lab Palayad
Quotation invited for collapsible steel gate in front of entrance door at Ladies Hostel - Extended till 11-03-2025
Quotations invited for Muffle Furnace (for Startup Grant Project at School of Chemical Sciences) in the University
Quotation Notice - Workshop refreshment Reg.
Tenders invited for Balance interlock paving works around synthetic track including balance path way to warm up track at manghattuparamba campus
Quotation for Supply and installation of sanitary napkin incinerator ” are invited for the use of ladies hostel at Dharmashala Campus
Notice Inviting Expression of Interest for the Selection of Project Management Consultant
“Quotation for 2 Ton Split Inverter AC” for the supply and installation of 2Nos of 2 Ton Split Inverter AC
Palayad Ladies Hostel - Collapsible Grill - Date extended
e tender notice for Video conference solution at Thavakkara Campus
Quotation for the Repair Works of Concrete Block Paving leading to Teacher Education Building and Dept of Rural &Tribal Sociology Building Kannur University Mananthavady Campus
Re-Quotation Notice - Collapsible steel gate in front of entrance door at Ladies Hostel, Dr. Janaki Ammal Campus, Palayad
Maintenance of Sheet roof of ladies hostel at Dr. Janaki Ammal Campus , Palayad - Date Extended
Sealed competitive tenders are invited for a per-copy contract for 22 nos HP A3 photocopiers installed at various sections of Kannur university, T
Re-Quotation Notice - Maintenance of Sheet roof of Ladies Hostel at Dr. Janaki Ammal Campus, Palayad
Tenders invited for Rectification work of Fire Protection including commissioning at Academic Staff College
Quotation for "APFC Panel maintenance in electrical substation at Mangattuparamba Campus"
E-TENDER SCHEDULE - invites e-tender in Two Bid System from eligible, reputed, and bonafide agencies for the supply and installation of double sided library Stack for Dr.Herman Gundart Central Library,Thavakkara campus, Kannur.
Quotations for the work of APFC Panel maintenance in electrical substation at Manghattuparamba Campus
Maintenance of Sheet roofing of Palayad Ladies Hostel - Date Extended
Palayad Campus - Installation of Grill in front of Ladies Hostel - Date Extended
Tender for repairing works and making the lift functional - Last Date Extended
Quotations are invited from GST-registered establishments for the University-level NSS Award distribution ceremony for the years 2023-2024, to be held in the first week of January 2025 at the Cherussery Auditorium on the University campus. Quotations must be sealed.
Quotations are invited for the collapsible steel gate infront of entrance door at Ladies Hostel
Quotation for the supply and installation of sound system at Kasargod Campus -Last date of receiving of quotation extended
Quotation for the Supply and Installation of Fume Hood for the Dept of Physics Swami Anantdatheertha Campus Payyannur
Quotations for repairing works and making the lift functional
Maintenance of sheet roof at L.H Palayad Last date for receiving quotation extended to 03-01-2025
Quotations super are invited for the "Supply and installation of sound system" at the Kasargod Campus of Kannur University
Quotations are invited for the supply of equipment (Weighing Balance – 01 No)
Tenders invited for repairing works and making the lift functional
Expression of Interest - for AMC of Elevators - at various campuses- Extension of time up to 19-12-2024
Quotation for Teflon-lined Stainless Autoclaves (for Startup Grant Project at School of Chemical Sciences)
Quotations invited for the maintenance of sheet roof of ladies hostel at Dr. Janaki Ammal Campus , Palayad Campus
Quotations for maintenance works at Ladies Hostel in Manghattuparamba Campus
Quotations are invited for the supply of preservative storage and circulation system for VPI Treatment facility
Quotations are invited for the supply of vaccum and pressure pumping system for Bamboo VPI Treatment plant with display units
Quotations are invited for the supply of VPI Bamboo Treatment Cylinder with hinged door
The last date of receipt of EOI is extended up to 09-12-2024 at 4:00 PM
Quotations invited for maintenance works at Ladies Hostel in Manghattuparamba Campus
Sealed quotations are invited from the authorised firms for the binding work of Journals with the following specifications.
Annual maintenance Contract of 5 Numbers of (8 passengers) lifts (Make ThyssenKrupp) installed at Various Campuses of Kannur University extended up to 4:00 PM of 25.11.2024.
last date of receipt of EOI is extended up to 25-11-2024 at 4:00 PM
Tenders with superscription “Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 20KVA on-line UPS” are invited
Quotations are invited from authorized dealers for the supply of equipment (Shaking water bath – 01 No) for Department of Chemistry,School of Chemical Science.
Quotation for the Supply and Installation of 9 numbers of 60Ah 12v Tubular batteries with buy back of existing 9 numbers of old batteries.
Quotation for supply of drinking water at Thavakkara campus
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed manufacturers and authorized dealers for the supply of equipments for Department of Chemistry/ Nanoscience, Kannur University, SAT Campus, Payyannur, Kerala under SEED Money Research Grant.
Expression of Interest - for AMC of Elevators - at various campuses
Auction Notice -dated:16.10.2024
Inviting e-tender in two bid system from eligible, reputed, and bonafide agencies for the supply, installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment required at various departments of Kannur University.
Quotation for the supply of Cloth lined covers" are invited for the supply of 2 types of Cloth lined covers (door delivery)
Tender for Rectification work of fire protection including commissioning at academic staff college building
Quotation for maintenance works at Ladies hostel in Mangattuparamba Campus
Expression Of Interest - Repair Maintenance of 2 nos. of 13 passengers and 2 nos. of 10 passenger capacity elevators in the university.
Tenders for Rectification work of Fire Protection including commissioning at Academic Staff College Building (MMTC/HRDC) at Thavakkara Campus
Quotations invited for binding library books/journals
Quotations are invited for the maintenance works at ladies hostel in Manghattuparamba Campus
Tenders are invited - AMC for Lenovo Computer
Tenders invited - Repair of Doors and Windows at School of Pedagogical Science Building, Dharmasala Campus of Kannur University''
Expression of Interest (EoI) for Repair and Maintenance of Passenger Lifts at Herman Gundert Central Library, Thavakkara Campus
Tender notice and schedule - Repair work of compound wall at Thavakkara campus
Repair work of compound wall at Thavakkara campus- tender notice
Quotation are invited for 1 year canteen management contract
Last date for receiving Tender extended till 12 Aug 2024 - Repair of doors and windows at School of Pedagogical Science building , Dharmasala .
Date extended - Re quotations for maintenance works at Ladies Hostel, Nileswaram Campus of Kannur University
Date extended - Electrical Wiring works in connection with the Installation of Inverter at Ladies Hostel, Kasaragod Campus of Kannur University
Quotations are invited for the Repair of Laptops (13 Nos.), 12 Nos. installed in the Examination Branch (valuation camp) and 1 Nos. installed in the Internal Audit Section of Finance Branch, Kannur University, Thavakkara Campus
Quotation Notice - Kasargod Campus - Ladies Hostel - Electrical Wiring Works - Last date Extended
Re quotations for maintenance works at Ladies Hostel, Nileswaram Campus of Kannur University
Quotations are invited for the repair of laptops Laptops (13 Nos.), 12 Nos. installed in the Examination Branch (valuation camp) and I No. installed in the lnternal Audit section of Finance Branch, Kannur University,
Notification, terms and conditions and application format for the canteen at Thavakkara campus
Requotation - Maintenance works at Ladies Hostel ,Nileswaram
Tender - Repair of Doors and Windows at School of Pedagogical Science Building, Dharmasala Campus of Kannur University
Quotation Notice for GPS
Fixing hand rails at KUCL Building, Thavakkara - Quotation Notice and Schedule
Quotation for the Supply and Fixing of Window Glasses and window stoppers for Women’s Hostel ,Kannur University Mananthavady Campus
Quotation Notice - Kasargod Campus - Ladies Hostel - Electrical Wiring Works
Tenders are invited for Electrical wiring works for department of Environmental studies- Mangattuparamba Campus
Quotations invited - For shifting Furnitures
Notice inviting proposals for chemicals and glass wares
Sealed competitive Quotations for "Maintenance works at Ladies Hostel, Nileswaram Campus of Kannur University
Quotation - NSS Programme Officers Three Day Workshop
Sealed quotations super scribed “ Supply and installation of of borewell motor” are invited from manufacturers/authorized dealers for the supply and installation of borewell motor required at ladies hostel,
Quotations superscribed Conduct of Environmental Audit, Green Audit and Energy Audit are invited to conduct the Environmental Audit, Green Audit and Energy Audit of Kannur University(all campuses) with NABCB/ISO standards.
Quotations are invited “ Supply of plastic chairs ”are invited from manufacturers/authorized dealers for the supply of Plastic Chairs required at the Centre for Management Studies,
Quotation for the "supply of Borewell Motor and Other Accessories " at the Ladies Hostel,Kasargod campus
Quotations for the supply of borewell motor and other accessories are invited
Quotation for the "supply of street lights" at the Mangattuparamba Campus of Kannur University- last date of quotation extended
Quotations are invited for the binding work of Registers of various sizes (A3, A4, ll3) from the firms/agencies
Re-Quotation Notice - Promotion of Department Admission in the social media - Inviting firms
Quotation for the "supply of street lights" at the Mangattuparamba Campus of KannuR University
Quotations are invited from prospective vendors for the promotion of the Notification of the admission to various programmes at Kannur University Departments/Centres for the academic year 2024-25 in the social medias
Quotations “ Supply of street lights” are invited for the supply of street lights required at the Mangattuparampa Campus
Re-quotation for the "Supply and installation of Heavy duty wall fan (8 Nos) at the seminar hall, Mangattuparamba Campus
Last date extended - Supplying and laying UG cable from feeder pillar panel to sports pavilion for swimming pool motor at Manghattuparamba campus
Quotation is invited for sale of old general magazines of Janaki Ammal Campus Library
Quotations are invited for Construction of Gas Cylinder Storage Room and gas pipe line works at ladies hostel
Tenders are invited for a per-copy contract for 26 SHARP phototocopiers installed at various sections of Thavakkara Campus for a tenure of one year
Quotations are invited for the promotion of the Notification of the admission to various programmes at Kannur University Departments/Centres for the academic year 2024-25 in the social medias
Re-quotation for the "Supply and installation of Heavy duty wall fan (8 Nos) at the seminar hall, Mangattuparamba Campus- last date of Quotation extended
Quotation Notice for GPS
Quotations are invited Supply and installation of water dispenser for ladies hostel at Dharmashala campus
Tender for "Supply and Laying UG Cable from feeder pillar panel to Sports Pavilion for Swimming Pool Motor at Mangattuparamba Campus
Quotation for hiring of Sedan type taxi car for visiting various project sites at Kannur District
Re Tender for L"T Cable laying from 62.5 KVA DG Set ot admin building Server Room ta Thavakara Campus"- Last date of receiving tender- extended
Re Tender for LT Cable laying from 62.5 KVA DG Set to Admin Building Server room at Thavakkara
Sealed competitive Quotations invited for the work of Providing and fixing rain water Gutter in Library building at Thavakkara Campus
Quotations “ Supply and installation of Heavy duty wall fan (8 Nos) ” are invited from manufacturers/authorized dealers
Re Tender Notice
Quotations are invited for the Repair of the Photocopier (Model-KYOCERA 22O1) installed in the ESD Section, Kannur University,
Sealed competitive Re-Quotation for "Electrical works for security cabin at Nileswaram campus"
Tenders until Dec 2023
Outdated Tenders - Till Oct 2022
Outdated Tenders